Sensor for measuring wind speed and direction MS&E PISPV-4
The designing, developing and testing of sensors for measuring wind speed and direction MS&E PISPV-4 was from 2007 to 2009 years. This is a completely new design that uses only the experience in the operation of the model MS&E PISPV-3, developed in the period from 1991 to1995 and modernized repeatedly until 2005. The reason is that experience allows it to be significantly improved some of the characteristics of the sensor in reducing size and weight. MS&E PISPV-4 is the fourth generation sensor for measuring speed and direction of the wind created by the Consortium "MS&E".

The purpose of the MS&E PISPV-4 is to replace the analog  third-generation sensor MS&E PISPV-3. In MS&E PISPV-4 are used modern electronic components, alloys and bearings of high quality.It is saved the conception the anemometer to be consist of two separate sensor - for speed and direction of the wind. Compared to MS&E PISPV-3:

I. Innovations in construction
Shifts are bearing suspensions and two sensors - for wind speed and direction;
Developed new hull of sensors with reduced size and weight;
Developed new converters, encoders, drives and electronic thermostat;
The way of heating the sensors is changed;
The rotor part of the sensor for wind speed is changed - dimensions and materials for manufacturing.

II. Improved measurement
Reduced threshold of sensitivity of the sensor for wind speed of 0.2 m/s;
The way of sync is reduced by 15%;
Improved heating cups of rotor anemometer.

Regression Analysis - Linear model: Y = a + b*X
Dependent variable:   V_AE
Independent variable: F_AE
                               Standard          T
Parameter       Estimate         Error       Statistic        P-Value
Intercept       0.445682      0.0473052         9.4214         0.0000
Slope          0.0892216    0.000226863       393.284       0.0000
                           Analysis of Variance
Source             Sum of Squares     Df  Mean Square    F-Ratio      P-Value
Model                     1861.04      1      1861.04  154672.18       0.0000
Residual                 0.132354     11    0.0120321
Total (Corr.)             1861.17     12

Correlation Coefficient = 0.999964
R-squared = 99.9929 percent
R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 99.9922 percent
Standard Error of Est. = 0.109691
Mean absolute error = 0.0888857

Linear model:
V_AE = 0.445682 + 0.0892216*F_AE

Results of calibration in wind channel for wind speed sensor of MS&E PISPV-4.
III. Compatibility
Sensor MS&E PISPV-4 is designed so that it is fully compatible with MS&E PISPV-3 as well as electrical signals and connections with connectors, as well as the structure for attachment. This enables our customers if they want to engage replacement of sensors for measuring wind included in purchased before March 2009 AMC MS&E-3 and MS&E Wind-2.

Testing of MS & E PISPV -4 under natural conditions ended in March 2009 and since May 2009 it is in regular production.