1. National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
2. Executive Environment Agency - Ministry of Ecology
3. Regional Inspectorate of Stara Zagora - Ecology Ministry
4. Executive Agency "Hail Suppression - Agriculture Ministry
5. National Electric Company
6. NPP "Kozloduy"
7. Enel Maritsa - East 3
8. TPP "Maritsa - East 2
9. TPP "Brickel"
10. TPP "AES - 3C Maritza East 1
11. Chelopech Mining
12. Framatom - Germany
13. Elatzite Copper PLC
14. Municipalities of Sofia, Plovdiv and more.

For the past 10 years more than 50 companies have used in their business products Consortium "MS&E".
For the same period Consortium "MS&E" was involved in 38 procedures in public procurement law and has won 36 contracts.

The successful implementation of socially significant projects of the Consortium "MS&E" is recognized by the Bulgarian National Radio (broadcast on 15 May, 30 June and 6 November 2008, December 17, 2010 - Radio Stara Zagora), Darik Radio (November 2, 2010), bTV (broadcast from 08 February and 30 June 2008), central newspapers ("Trud" on 20 May 2009, "24 hours" of January 7, 2004, "Dnevnik" on February 8, 2008, "Sega" 28 June 2007 and 09 February 2008,  "Starozagorski news" from August 20, 2009) and other printed and electronic media.

Our main customers are: