According to the international convections and the national legislation every big industrial objects should have built system for controlling the influence on the environment. Integral part of such a system is the module for meteorological monitoring, as the atmosphere is the environment in which the pollution disperse. The conditions of this dispersion count on the exact state of the atmospheric parameters. That's why it's necessary to know them in every single moment.
Planning the optimal system for meteorological monitoring is strictly individual for every industrial object and needs:
* minimize the number of representative of this region points to conduct meteorological measurements, such that the measurement data in them to be possible to determine the fields of meteorological elements in the controlled area with the necessary monitoring purposes authenticity;
* design radiotrases between elements of the system of meteorological monitoring in the case of work in "real time" and a joint optimization with the measurement points;
* determining the operating modes of the system of meteorological monitoring - times of averaging the data for different weather elements, frequency of measurements, mode archivation, algorithms work of measuring devices and to remove erroneous data;
* determining the input-output technical information and links to other elements of the environmental control;
* down version suitable for coupling the numerical diffusion model for assessing the distribution and deposition of pollutants;
* economizing of the project - the choice of economically the most appropriate combination of elements, including as costs for operation and maintenance.
After the final coordination of the project Consortium "MS&E" realize it as manufactured, delivered, installed and put into operation the technical equipment and software, trained personnel operating the system for monitoring weather and organize after-sales warranty and service.
For the design and implementation of a system of meteorological monitoring of large industrial facility needed highly qualified and experienced specialists in physics of the atmosphere, in communication and computing, a system programming and automation. Since this is a very specific activity, most industries do not have such a team of specialists. Consortium "MS&E" can accomplish this activity for them.