The policy of Consortium "MS&E" is to develop and manufacture itself all major devices and sensors which are needed for the assembling of its production

Consortium "MS&E" continuously improve the quality and reliability of their production. Essential requirement for new devices is their full electrical and mechanical compatibility with the old ones.

- Since the beginning of 2009 the production of sensors for wind speed and direction PISPV-3 has stopped. Complete replacement is the new sensor PISPV-4.
- Since the end of 2008 is stopped the production of electronics blocks for AMC models MS&E-3RD; MS&E-3CD and MS&E-3MD. Complete replacement is the new electronic block AMC MS&E-4.
- Since the end of 2007 is stopped the production of sensor for precipitation PIV-4. He is replaced by the new sensor PIV-4M.