Depending on the responsibility of operation of the meteorological monitoring system three levels of service contract are organized. They cover virtually all the options for mode of operation according to the regulations in force in the country. The idea embedded in all of them is the client to be released from care to provide its own normal work of the equipment purchased from Consortium "MS&E".
As an objective assessment of the quality of maintenance, the Consortium "MS&E" bear the burden of meteorological equipment for metrology annual inspection to an approved laboratory and obtain a certificate confirming its compliance with the requirements of professional meteorological equipment and its serviceability. In case of equipment failure, subject to service activities and the time of the metrological verification Consortium "MS&E" mount its equipment on the client's site to ensure continuity of its operations necessary meteorological information.
Service of purchased from Consortium "MS&E" equipment with contract
Contractual servicing is carried out by a team of two experts - an engineer and technician. Its price is calculated depending on the amount of the serviced equipment, the distance of the object from Sofia and the terms of repair.
Relationship between the Client and Consortium "MS&E" is governed by a written contract. Another advantage in this form is that customers is able relatively accurately to plan the expenses for operation for the next year.